1. Installation view of "Butsu Butsu" at MIMOCA
Photo: Manami Takahashi
2-4. from the collection by Genichiro Inokuma
all images ©Takashi Homma
5. Book "Butsu Butsu"
Butsu Butsu Butsu Butsu
Date: 15 July 2012 - 23 September 2012
Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (Admission until 30 minutes before closing time) Open Everyday
Organized by Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, The MIMOCA Foundation
In cooperation with Hisako Motoo, Atsuki Kikuchi
Admission: Adults ¥950, Students (college, university) ¥650, Children (0 year to highschool) free
*Ticket valid for admission to the special exhibition "Takashi Homma: New Documentary" and Permanent Collection.
As is known from his book, “An Artist’s Box of Toys—Genichiro’s Collections” (Gaka no Omocha-bako, 1984, Bunka Publishing Bureau), Genichiro Inokuma (1902-93) was something of a collector as an artist. This does not mean he collected obsessively, however. Rather, he collected things he felt to be beautiful or cute, whether waste objects discarded in the street or expensive antiques, in a natural way in day-to-day life.
His collection of “things” (butsu butsu) is now in the safekeeping of this museum. From that collection, stylist Miyoko Okao has selected certain items catching her interest, and photographer Takashi Homma has photographed them. This exhibition, then, is the result of their selecting and photographing objects in close collaboration, “muttering” (butsu butsu) together all the while. Each of these things, while presented from a new perspective, displays its inherent charm and evokes the presence of the artist who found and enjoyed them.
1. Installation view of "Butsu Butsu" at MIMOCA
Photo: Manami Takahashi
2-4. from the collection by Genichiro Inokuma
all images ©Takashi Homma
5. Book "Butsu Butsu"