平成29年度 丸亀市若手芸術家支援事業 (Re)Collection (Re)Collection
平成29年度丸亀市若手芸術家支援事業の一環として、Jesus Chaparro(ヘスース・チャパーロ)の個展を開催いたします。紙で作られた岩を宙づりにして展示します。岩には磁石が入っており、一つの岩の動きに反応して周囲の岩が動きます。どうぞご覧ください。
Jesus Chaparro began to create rocks in order to explore the complexity in something so familiar, yet easily overlooked. Initially inspired by his studies in Japanese aesthetics and a weekly commute in the Oregon desert, he mimics the natural forces that act upon rocks by digitally scanning and modifying them, then physically reconstructing them out of printed paper forms. These “digitally organic” recreations contain a process history that invites consideration of how these objects came to be, and where their organic counterparts are now.
Jesus Chaparro(ヘスース・チャパーロ)
Jesus Chaparro
Jesus is also product of multiple backgrounds and forces. Born in Texas, he has also lived in Mexico and Oregon.He received a BA in Studio Art from Whitman College. Jesus first came to Japan in 2015, he currently works as an English-Art Educator in Takamatsu City.